The Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Visits for Implementation of Amlodipine Change Source Tender

Writer and Editor : Chyntia Ayu Maulina

Depok, July 13th, 2023 - PT Biometrik, a leading bioequivalence testing company, has emerged as the winner of the Ministry of Health tender for the procurement of Amlodipine Bioequivalence Testing Services. The tender consist participation from 15 pharmaceutical industries, including:

  1. PT Kimia Farma Tbk
  2. PT Interbat
  3. PT Imedco
  4. PT Harsen Laboratories
  5. PT Ikapharmindo Putramas
  6. PT Rama Emerald Multi Sukses
  7. PT Bernofarm
  8. PT Konimex
  9. PT Ifars Pharmaceutical Laboratories
  10. PT Sejahtera Lestari Farma
  11. PT Berlico Mulia Farma
  12. PT Combiphar
  13. PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
  14. PT Graha Farma
  15. PT Pratapa Nirmala

This bioequivalence testing tender aims to facilitate the change in the source of drug raw materials, shifting from imports to local suppliers. The Ministry of Health aims to support the domestic production of pharmaceutical ingredients by evaluating the bioequivalence of different generic versions of Amlodipine.

The Bioequivalence Testing will be conducted in three groups, with the first group scheduled for testing on July 11th, 13th, and 18th, 2023. This extensive testing process aims to evaluate the equivalence of different generic versions of Amlodipine, a commonly prescribed antihypertensive medication.

Notably, the Bioequivalence Testing scheduled for July 13th, 2023, witnessed the presence of esteemed individuals from the Ministry of Health. Dr. Dra. L. Rizka Andalusia, Apt, M.Pharm, MARS, the Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, attended the event along with Ms. Hotmedi Listia Doriana, SKM, M.Epid, the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Health. Mr. Anwar Wahyudi, SE, S.Farm, Apt, MKM, the Chair of the Working Group for the Development and Facilitation of Downstreaming of Chemical Raw Materials and Domestic Chemical Drugs, and Ms. Atti Ratnawiati, S.Si, Apt, M.Epid, the Chair of the Working Group for Clinical Trials Monitoring and New Drug Development, also graced the occasion. These dignitaries observed the ongoing testing process and had the opportunity to tour the facilities of PT Biometrik.

The Ministry of Health's collaboration with PT Biometrik aims to ensure the quality and bioequivalence of Amlodipine products available in the market while promoting the utilization of locally sourced drug raw materials. By conducting rigorous testing and involving various pharmaceutical industries, the Ministry strives to promote transparency and enhance public health through the availability of safe and effective medications.

PT Biometrik's successful bid for this tender reinforces its expertise and commitment to maintaining high standards in bioequivalence testing. Its state-of-the-art facilities and qualified professionals have positioned them as a trusted partner in ensuring the quality and efficacy of generic medications.

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